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  • Writer's pictureBirk Opheim

How We Increased Leads By 16x for Gorilla Grappling

A 4 step approach that included in-depth research, SEO optimization, high-quality copywriting & design, and building backlinks.

“Quality work!” - Head Coach & Owner at Gorilla Grappling

Setting the scene

Gorilla Grappling is a Jiu Jitsu gym loved by all its members for its super friendly community and high quality training. 

They were already getting some traffic and members from organic facebook posts, but they could get much more with content and SEO.

They had no cohesive plan in place, which is understandable, as they were focused on, & busy with training.

That’s why we came to the rescue

The Goal

The owner and head coach aimed to grow their free trial leads and membership sign-ups. They wanted to optimize their website as a marketing channel.

The Challenge

There’s no right or wrong way to write your copy, which makes it more difficult to decide on the right path.

“Should we focus on targeting everyone? Or should we just target people who want to get fit? Or just people who want to compete?”

A Sneak Peek of the Results

In just 3 months, we helped the BJJ gym:

  • Grow their free trial leads from less than 1 per month to 11 in a month

  • Rank in the top 3 on Google for their top 5 keywords

  • Reduce bounce rate by over 30%

  • Increase unique visitors by nearly 3x

Here’s how we did it.

The Solution

We followed a four-step process to diagnose and implement the right strategy to grow the gym’s organic traffic and leads:

  1. Research

  2. Strategy

  3. Production

  4. Testing

  1. Research: 

    We started by looking at where the gym stood in comparison to their competitors and found our unique selling points to differentiate us from them.

The gym had no indexed pages on Google and lacked backlinks. This indicated a significant opportunity to optimize their site for high-intent keywords related to BJJ and MMA in their local area.

We then analyzed some of the most successful BJJ gyms in the world, to see how they were doing so well, and took a few pointers from them.

Then we researched the target market to find out their demographics & psychographics.

2. Strategy: 

We conducted in-depth keyword research to identify high-intent keywords such as "BJJ Gloucester", "Jiu Jitsu Gloucester", and "MMA gym Gloucester".

These keywords would attract potential members who were actively searching for these services.

The strategy also included optimizing the website's content with these keywords and building backlinks through citations, directories, and local media features.

3. Production: 

We wrote a new homepage, wrote service pages, an about page, and a membership page.

We then designed the pages in Wix, and published it to the world. 

4. Testing: 

The pages we wrote were more general, trying to appeal to everyone. So after we published them, we went about testing out some assumptions we had.

We tested different headlines with “Fitness” or “Compete” to see which got the best response from our visitors. 

We created a survey visitors could answer, so we could figure out their main reason for being interested in BJJ, and if they were high-intent, or just “window shopping.”


In just 3 months, the BJJ gym saw significant improvements:

  • Lead Generation:

    • From less than 1 lead per month to 2 leads within the first 2 days, 6 leads in April, and 11 leads in May. (we started work with them March 24th)

(Leads slowed at the end of June because holidays were approaching. In August it went up to 17.)

  • Most free trial leads converted into members or recurring customers paying per class. (We don't have a percentage for that unfortunately.)


  • SEO Performance:

    • Achieved top 3 rankings for main keywords.

(Bars show distribution of keyword ranks. All yellow means all our tracked keywords were in the top 3.)

  • Increased website visibility and organic traffic.

  • Over 2x Unique visitors 


Through using Hotjar’s survey feature, we figured out that most site visitors were ready to join right away, and weren’t intimidated as we originally thought from our target market research. 

We also figured out that most of the people visiting our site wanted to do BJJ for fitness

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